11月23日雅思大作文真题参考范文 | 当今时代,应该教孩子书法吗?
“Some people say that in our modern age, it is unnecessary to teach
children about the skills of handwriting. To what extent do you agree or
what extent do you agree or disagree题型。
1. 不需要(一边倒):需要找2-3个原因
2. 需要(一边倒):需要找2-3个原因
Handwriting skills are on the decline, particularly among young people and
children. It is true that handwriting may not be as important as it was, but the
skills of writing by hand are necessary even in this digital age.
(1) 本段先提出话题,然后亮出自己的观点:书写的确没有以前重要,但仍然有必要。
(2) on the decline 在下降中
(3) in this digital age 在这个数字化时代
Technology is to blame for the decline of handwriting. With laptops,
cell-phones, and tablets being widely used at school and at home, educators have
been focusing on teaching their students keyboarding skills, for students can
finish almost all their assignments with clicks of keyboard. What they are
supposed to do is type their answers into the computer and submit them online to
the teacher. That is why many educators agree that today’s children no longer
need to develop handwriting skills. Countries such as Finland have gone so far
as to drop handwriting lessonsaltogether in schools in favor of typing
(1) 本段论证为什么书写现在不太重要了:孩子都是通过电脑来完成作业。
(2) be to blame for... 应该对......负责
(3) be supposed to do... 理应做......
(4) submit 提交
(5) go so far as to do... 竟至于做......
(6) altogether 完全地;彻底地
Contrary to the view that handwriting skills are unnecessary in this
digital age, writing by hand is actually important to children’s learning and
long-term academic success. Studies show that handwriting can improve memory, so
students will retain learning better through writing by hand instead of typing
on the keyboard. The earlier children master handwriting skills, the more
successful they will be academically. As a cognitive benefit, moreover,
handwriting has a greater impact on brain development, especially the areas of
the brain related to literacy development. This suggests that handwriting might
aid in enhancing reading and writing abilities in children. This is probably
because the process of handwriting helps to create a mental picture while
computer processing does not.
(1) 本段讨论手写对孩子学习可能产生有益的影响。
(2) contrary to... 与......相反
(3) long-term 长期的
(4) retain 保留;留存
(5) literacy 读写能力
(6) enhance
In conclusion, there should be a balance to strike between typewriting and
handwriting. While handwriting has become less and less practically useful, it
is still important for children’s long-term cognitive development.
(1) 本段是结论部分,总结全文观点。
(2) to strike a balance 达成平衡
(3) practically 实用地;实际上地
Handwriting skills are on the decline, particularly among young people and
children. It is true that handwriting may not be as important as it was, but the
skills of writing by hand are necessary even in this digital age.
Technology is to blame for the decline of handwriting. With laptops,
cell-phones, and tablets being widely used at school and at home, educators have
been focusing on teaching their students keyboarding skills, for students can
finish almost all their assignments with clicks of keyboard. What they are
supposed to do is type their answers into the computer and submit them online to
the teacher. That is why many educators agree that today’s children no longer
need to develop handwriting skills. Countries such as Finland have gone so far
as to drop handwriting lessons altogether in schools in favor of typing
Contrary to the view that handwriting skills are unnecessary in this
digital age, writing by hand is actually important to children’s learning and
long-term academic success. Studies show that handwriting can improve memory, so
students will retain learning better through writing by hand instead of typing
on the keyboard. The earlier children master handwriting skills, the more
successful they will be academically. As a cognitive benefit, moreover,
handwriting has a greater impact on brain development, especially the areas of
the brain related to literacy development. This suggests that handwriting might
aid in enhancing reading and writing abilities in children. This is probably
because the process of handwriting helps to create a mental picture while
computer processing does not.
In conclusion, there should be a balance to strike between typewriting and
handwriting. While handwriting has become less and less practically useful, it
is still important for children’s long-term cognitive development.
(295 words)
1. It is true that handwriting may not be as important as it was, but the
skills of writing by hand are necessary even in this digital age.
2. With laptops, cell-phones, and tablets being widely used at school and
at home, educators have been focusing on teaching their students keyboarding
skills, for students can finish almost all their assignments with clicks of
3. Countries such as Finland have gone so far as to drop handwriting
lessonsaltogether in schools in favor of typing courses.
4. Contrary to the view that handwriting skills are unnecessary in this
digital age, writing by hand is actually important to children’s learning and
long-term academic success.
5. Studies show that handwriting can improve memory, so students will
retain learning better through writing by hand instead of typing on the
研究表明,手写可以记忆力,因此学生可以通过手写而不是用键盘打字来地保留他们学到的东西。推荐阅读:支招雅思小作文 | 图里没几根柱子~支招小作文 | 惊了!表里没几个数字~支招雅思小作文 | “横”竖都是bar支招雅思小作文|再不考线图,2019就完了!