SAT(Barrons)巴朗3500基础词汇(List 18)


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SAT(Barrons)巴朗3500基础词汇(List 18)


下面易伯华SAT思频道为大家整理的SAT(Barrons)巴朗3500基础词汇(List 18),供考生们参考,以下是详细内容。


Word List 18eulogy-faculty

eulogy N./颂词;赞美词/expression of praise, often on the occasion of someone's

death. Instead of delivering a spoken eulogy at Genny's memorial service, Jeff

sang a song he had written in her honor.

euphemismN./委婉的表达/mild expression in place of an unpleasant one. The

expression "he passed away" is a euphemism for "he died."

euphonious ADJ./悦耳的/pleasing in sound. Euphonious even when spoken, the

Italian language is particularly pleasing to the ear when sung. euphony. N.

euphoria N./非常愉快;病态的愉快,愉悦症/feeling of great happiness and well-being

(sometimes exaggerated). Delighted with her SAT scores, sure that the university

would accept her, Allison was filled with euphoria. euphoric,ADJ.

evanescentADJ./消散的;凋零的/fleeting; vanishing. Brandon's satisfaction in his new

job was evanescent, for he immediately began to notice its many drawbacks.

evanescence, N.

evasive ADJ./逃避的/not frank; eluding. Your evasive answers con­vinced the

judge that you were withholding important evi­dence. evade,V.

evenhanded ADJ./公平的/impartial; fair. Do men and women receive evenhanded

treatment from their teachers, or, as recent studies suggest, do teachers pay

more attention to male students than to females?

evince V./表示/show clearly. When he tried to answer the ques­tions, he evinced

his ignorance of the subject matter.

evocative ADJ./唤起的/tending to call up (emotions, memories). Scent can be

remarkably evocative: the aroma of pipe tobacco evokes the memory of my father;

a whiff of talcum powder calls up images of my daughter as a child.

ewe N./母羊/female sheep. The flock of sheep was made up of dozens of ewes,

together with only a handful of rams.

exacerbate V./恶化,加剧/worsen; embitter. The latest bombing exac­erbated

England's already existing bitterness against the IRA, causing the prime

minister to break off the peace talks abruptly.

exacting ADJ./苛刻的/extremely demanding. Cleaning the ceiling of the Sistine

Chapel was an exacting task, one that demanded extremely meticulous care on the

part of the restorers. exaction, N.

exalt V./晋升;赞扬/raise in rank or dignity; praise. The actor Alec Guinness

wasexalted to the rank of knighthood by the queen.

exasperate V./激怒/vex. Johnny often exasperates his mother with his


exceptionable ADJ./不可的,可反对的/objectionable. Do you find the punk rock band

Green Day a highly exceptionable, thoroughly distasteful group, or do you think

they are exceptionally tal­ented performers?

excerpt N./摘抄,摘录/selected passage (written or musical). The cin­ematic

equivalent of an excerpt from a novel is a clip from a film. alsoV.

excise V./去除/cut away; cut out. When you excise the dead and dying limbs of a

tree, you not only improve its appear­ance but also enhance its chances of

bearing fruit. exci­sion. N.

exclaim V./呼喊,大叫/cry out suddenly. "Watson! Behind you!" Holmes exclaimed,

seeing the assassin hurl himself on his friend.

excoriate V./责难,挖苦,批判;揭露/scold with biting harshness; strip the skin off.

Seeing the holes in Bill's new pants, his mother furiously excoriated him for

ruining his good clothes. The tight, starched collar chafed and excoriated his

neck, rubbing it raw.

exculpate V./开脱,洗脱/clear from blame. He was exculpated of the crime when the

real criminal confessed.

execrable ADJ./非常糟糕的/very bad. The anecdote was in such exe­crable taste that

it revolted the audience.

execute V./执行,完成/put into effect; carry out. The choreographer wanted to see

how well she could execute a pirouette. (sec­ondary meaning) execution, N.

exegesis N./解释,注解,通译/explanation; interpretation, especially of a bib­lical

text. The minister based her sermon on her exegesis of a difficult passage from

the book of Job. exegetical,ADJ.

exemplary ADJ./出色的;典范的;(杀鸡儆猴的)例子/serving as a model; outstanding. At

com­mencement the dean praised Ellen for her exemplary behavior as class


exemplify V./作为典型;具体化/serve as an example of; embody. For a gen­eration of

balletgoers, Rudolf Nureyev exemplified the ideal of masculine grace.

exempt ADJ./被免除的/not subject to a duty, obligation. Because of his flat feet,

Foster was exempt from serving in the armed forces. alsoV.

exertion N./努力,尽力/effort; expenditure of much physical work. The exertion

spent in unscrewing the rusty bolt left her exhausted.

exhaustive ADJ./彻底的,完全的/thorough; comprehensive. We have made an

exhaustivestudy of all published SAT tests and are happy to share our research

with you.

exhilaratingADJ./爽快的,使人愉快的/invigorating and refreshing; cheering. Though some

of the hikers found tramping through the snow tiring, Jeffrey found the walk on

the cold, crisp day exhilarating.

exhort V./劝诫,忠告/urge. The evangelist exhorted all the sinners in his audience

to reform. exhortation, N.

exhume V./出土,发掘/dig out of the ground; remove from the grave. Could evidence

that might identify the serial killer have been buried with his victim? To

answer this question, the police asked the authorities for permission to exhume

the victim's body.

exigency N./紧急情况/urgent situation. In this exigency, we must look for aid

from our allies.

exodus N./离开,启程/departure. The exodus from the hot and stuffy city was

particularly noticeable on Friday evenings.

exonerate V./开脱,免罪/acquit; exculpate. The defense team fever­ishly sought

fresh evidence that might exonerate their client.

exorbitant ADJ./过度的/excessive. The people grumbled at his exor­bitant prices

but paid them because he had a monopoly.

exorcise V./驱邪/drive out evil spirits. By incantation and prayer, the

medicine man sought to exorcise the evil spirits which had taken possession of

the young warrior.

exotic ADJ./陌生的,外来的,奇异的,异国情调/not native; strange. Because of his

exoticheaddress, he was followed in the streets by small children who laughed at

his strange appearance.

expansive ADJ./扩张的;爽快的;广阔的/outgoing and sociable; broad and exten­sive; able

to increase in size. Mr. Fezziwig was in an expan­sive humor, cheerfully urging

his guests to join in the Christmas feast. Looking down on his expansive paunch,

he sighed: if his bellyexpanded any further, he'd need an expansive waistline

for his pants.

expatriate N./放逐;被放逐者/exile; someone who has withdrawn from his native land.

Henry James was an American expatriate who settled in England.

expedient ADJ./合适的,有利的;策略性的/suitable; practical; politic. A pragmatic

politician, he was guided by what was expedient rather than by what was ethical.

expediency, N.

expedite V./加速,催促/hasten. Because we are on a tight schedule, we hope you

will be able to expedite the delivery of our order. The more expeditious your

response is, the happier we'll be.

expenditure N./支出,花费/payment or expense; output. When you are operating on an

expense account, you must keep receipts for all your expenditures. If you don't

save your receipts, you won't get repaid without the expenditure of a lot of

energy arguing with the firm's accountants.

expertise N./专业知识,技能/specialized knowledge; expert skill. Although she was

knowledgeable in a number of fields, she was hired for her particular expertise

in computer programming.

expiate V./赎罪/make amends for (a sin). He tried to expiate his crimes by a

full confession to the authorities.

expletive N./感叹词;咒骂/interjection; profane oath. The sergeant's remarks were

filled with expletives that offended the new recruits.

explicate V./解释,澄清/explain; interpret; clarify. Harry Levin expli­cated James

Joyce's often bewildering novels with such clarity that even Finnegan's Wake

seemed comprehensible to his students.

explicit ADJ./清晰的;坦率的/totally clear; definite; outspoken. Don't just hint

around that you're dissatisfied: be explicit about what's bugging you.

exploit N./壮举/deed or action, particularly a brave deed. Raoul Wallenberg was

noted for his exploits in rescuing Jews from Hitler's forces.

exploit V./开发,开拓/make use of, sometimes unjustly. Cesar Chavez fought

attempts to exploit migrant farmworkers in California. exploitation,


expository ADJ./解释性的/explanatory; serving to explain. The man­ual that came

with my VCR was no masterpiece of exposi­tory prose: its explanations were so

garbled that I couldn't even figure out how to rewind a tape. exposition, N.

exposure N./曝光,揭露;暴露(于疾病、恶劣的环境等)的状态/risk, particularly of being exposed to

disease or to the elements; unmasking; act of laying something open.Exposure to

sun and wind had dried out her hair and weathered her face. She looked so

changed that she no longer feared exposure as the notorious Irene Adler,

one­time antagonist of Sherlock Holmes.

expropriateV./没收,剥夺,征用/take possession of. He questioned the gov­ernment's

right to expropriate his land to create a wildlife preserve.

expunge V./取消,去除,排除/cancel; remove. If you behave, I will expunge this

notation from your record.

expurgate V./清除,净化/clean; remove offensive parts of a book. The editors felt

that certain passages in the book had to be expurgated before it could be used

in the classroom.

extant ADJ./现存的/still in existence. Although the book is out of print, some

copies are still extant. Unfortunately, all of them are in libraries or private

collections; none are for sale.

extent N./范围;程度/degree; magnitude; scope. What is the extentof the patient's

injuries? If they are not too extensive, we can treat him on an outpatient


extenuate V./弱化;减轻/weaken; mitigate. It is easier for us to extenu­ate our

own shortcomings than those of others.

extol V./赞美/praise; glorify. The president extolled the astro­nauts, calling

them the pioneers of the Space Age.

extort V./敲诈,勒索/wring from; get money by threats, etc. The black­mailer

extortedmoney from his victim.

extradition N./引渡/surrender of prisoner by one state to another. The lawyers

opposed theextradition of their client on the grounds that for more than five

years he had been a model citizen.

extraneous ADJ./肤浅的,不重要的/not essential; superfluous. No wonder Ted can't

think straight! His mind is so cluttered up with extraneous trivia, he can't

concentrate on the essentials.

extrapolation N./推测,推断/projection; conjecture. Based on their extrapolation

from the results of the primaries on Super Tuesday, the networks predicted that

Bob Dole would be the Republican candidate for the presidency.


extricate V./解脱,放出,释放/free; disentangle. Icebreakers were needed to extricate

the trapped whales from the icy floes that closed them in.

extrinsic ADJ./外围的,不重要的;外来的/external; not essential; extraneous. A

criti­cally acclaimed extrinsic feature of the Chrysler Building is its ornate

spire. The judge would not admit the testimony, ruling that it was extrinsic to

the matter at hand.

extrovert N./性格外向的人/person interested mostly in external objects and actions.

A good salesman is usually an extrovert, who likes to mingle with people.

extrude V./挤压,逼/force or push out. Much pressure is required to extrude these


exuberanceN./富得流油的;精力充沛;浪费,过度/overflowing abundance; joyful enthusiasm;

flamboyance; lavishness. I was bowled over by the exuber­ance of Amy's welcome.

What an enthusiastic greeting!

exude V./卸下,流出/discharge; give forth. We get maple syrup from the sap that

exudes from the trees in early spring. exudation, N.

exult V./高兴,兴高采烈/rejoice. We exulted when our team won the victory.

fabricate V./制造;编造(谎言)/build; lie. If we fabricate the buildings in this

project out of standardized sections, we can reduce construction costs

considerably. Because of Jack's tendency to fabricate, Jill had trouble

believing a word he said.

facade N./正面的;表面的,肤浅的/front (of building); superficial or false appearance.

The ornate facade of the church was often photographed by tourists, who never

bothered to walk around the building to view its other sides. Susan seemed

super-confident, but that was just a facade she put on to hide her


SAT(Barrons)巴朗3500基础词汇(List 18)

facet N./(宝石的)琢面;方面/small plane surface (of a gem); a side. The stone­cutter

decided to improve the rough diamond by providing it with several facets.

facetious ADJ./不合时宜的玩笑;幽默/joking (often inappropriately); humorous. I'm

serious about this project; I don't need any facetious, smart­alecky cracks

about do-gooder little rich girls.

facile ADJ./充足的;容易完成的;肤浅的/easily accomplished; ready or fluent; superfi­cial.

Words came easily to Jonathan: he was a facile speaker and prided himself on

being ready to make a speech at a moment's notice.

facilitate V./促进;帮助;使变容易/help bring about; make less difficult. Rest and

proper nourishment should facilitate the patient's recovery.

facsimile N./复制品/COPY. Many museums sell facsimiles of the works of art on


faction N./派别;内讧;纠纷/party; clique; dissension. The quarrels and bick­ering of

the two small factions within the club disturbed the majority of the


SAT(Barrons)巴朗3500基础词汇(List 18)

faculty N./才能,教职员工/mental or bodily powers; teaching staff. As he grew old,

Professor Twiggly feared he might lose his facul­ties and become unfit to teach.

However, he had tenure: whether or not he was in full possession of his

faculties, the school couldn't kick him off the faculty.



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