

来源: 易伯华教育




Fresh from visiting the Oval Office, an American CEO sends an e-mail to his top lieutenants



TO OUR management team: When I left the White House yesterday, after another two-hour round-table with the president, I knew in my gut(表达) that it was time to put in place ;plan C; for this great company. The boxer,Mike Tyson, had a point when he said ;everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.; But so did Winston Churchill when he observed that ;plans are of little importance, but planning is essential.; We owe it to our investors, customers and 131,000 employees globally, to have a


A year ago we were pursuing plan A. We expected that Hillary Clinton would win the election and that American business wouldcontinueas it has since(小词) the subprime crisis, meaning slow growth and lots of red tape but open borders and record profits that we could return to shareholders as dividends and buy-backs. Together, our firm and fellow members of the S;P 500 index have been paying out $1trn a year, far more than we invest.一年前我们在努力实现A计划。我们料想希拉里会赢得大选,美国商业将继续次贷危机之后的局面增长缓慢、监管重重,但边界开放、利润创纪录,我们也可将利润以股息和回购的形式回报给股东。我们公司和标准普尔500(词汇)指数的其他公司一年总共付出了一万亿美元,远超我们的投资。

After November 8th, we switched to plan B. For a few months it seemed a Republican-run Congress and White House might deliver sweeping deregulation and tax reforms to set the economy free, just as in the Reagan era. We dusted off plans to raise investment by a fifth and boost hiring at home. Like most firms we loaded the gun but didn’t pull the trigger. That was a hell of a great call.11月8号以后,我们转向B计划。有那么几个月,共和党掌控下的国会和白宫看似会全面放松管制、实行税收改革,以实现经济自由,就像里根时期那样。我们又搬出了老一套,准备把投资提升五分之一,并且在国内增聘人手。像大部分公司一样,我们给枪上了膛,却并没有扣下扳机。这可真是个伟大的决定。(表达)

It is now clear that dysfunction(小词)at the White House and in Congress means plan B is off the table. The markets agree. Sure, equity prices are still up. But after the election, bond yields soared in anticipation of aneconomicboom, only to give up half of their gains. The ;Trump Bump; has faded. Yet life won’t return to normal. Our firm faces many risks. We have to fight back.现在清楚了,白宫和国会运转不良意味着B计划已经没戏了。市场也赞同这一点。没错,股价仍在上涨。选举之后,出于对经济繁荣的预期,债券收益率飙升,结果又跌去了一半的增幅。;特朗普冲击;(词汇)已声势渐消。然而生活却不会恢复正常。我们公司面临很多风险。我们必须反击。

That calls for plan C, which has three elements: winning, tackling and the future. I like to use the acronym ;WTF;. For a start we have to win profits from our proximity to power. I sit on the president’s CEO advisory board and he has me on speed dial to talk about trade deals and his regulatory appointments. We toasted with Diet Coke on Air Force One after we visited Saudi Arabia in May. Our firm secured a contract worth $6bn for a desalination plant in Jeddah and a licence to operate a bank in the kingdom. These two wins will lift our profits by 14% a year by 2020.这就要求有C计划,其中包含三个要素:赢取,应对和未来。我想用这三个词的首字母来指代这一计划:;WTF;(winning, tackling and the future)。首先,我们必须通过接近权力来(介词视角转换)赢取利润。我是总统的CEO顾问委员会成员,在讨论贸易协议和他的监管任命时,他会首先找到我。5月访问沙特阿拉伯之后,我们在空军一号上以健怡可乐举杯相祝。我们公司签下了价值60亿美元的合同,得以在吉达(Jeddah)建设一个海水淡化厂,还获得了在沙特王国经营银行的许可。有了这两项胜利,2020年之前我们的利润将每年提升(小词)14%。

A bonfire of obsolete laws by Congress is unlikely. But as one of my friends in the White House texted me yesterday, ;people are policy;. We can still win in other ways. Business-friendly folk are newly in charge of the regulatory bodies for telecoms, the environment and the stockmarket. Candidate Trump grumbled about monopolies such as AT;T and Amazon, but now he is in office he has lost interest. I like it when that happens.要国会一把火烧掉过时的旧法规是不可能的。但就像我一位白宫的朋友昨天发给我的短信所说,;人就是政策;(观点)。我们还可通过其他方式赢取利益。对商业友好的人士最近掌管了电信、环境和股市的监管机构。特朗普还是候选人时,曾对AT;T和亚马逊这样的垄断企业颇有微词(表达),但如今既已就任,便对此失去了兴趣。我喜欢这样的局面。

But plan C also requires us to recognise new dangers coming at us hard and fast. They need to be tackledstopped and brought down. One of the Wall Street bankers I know likes to say that the president has threepersonalities: chairman, showman and con man. It is the last two we need to worry about.但是C计划也要求我们识别出将迅猛来袭的新危险(观点)。它们必须被解决拦下来、平息掉。我认识的一位华尔街银行家总喜欢说总统特朗普有三重人格:董事长、演员和骗子。我们要担心的是后两个。

Our PR team is ready to tackle any 4am presidential Twitter tirade(表达)about betraying American workers. We will avoid responding directly on Twitter, but will rebut him on Facebook and in e-mails to staff and the media. Our executives must have patriotic sound-bites on the tips of their tongues: for example, 52% of our staff are in America and we invest $5bn each year here. Repeat it.我们的公关团队已经做好准备,随时应付总统的推文,哪怕他在凌晨4点喋喋不休地声讨美国工人遭到的背叛。我们会避免直接在推特上回应,但会在Facebook和给员工及媒体的电子邮件中反驳他。我们的高管必须把爱国宣言挂在嘴边,比如说我们52%的员工在美国,我们每年在这里投资50亿美元。不断重复。


We must also confront the risk of getting entangled in the investigations surrounding the White House. Today I am imposing a ban on any commercial interaction between our firm and the president’s business or the entrepreneurial folks in his entourage. This includes lending cash to the Trump Organisation, which has at least five loans and bonds maturing(小词)in the next four years.我们也必须正视一项风险:被卷入围绕白宫开展的调查。今天,我在此下达禁令,严禁我们公司与总统的生意或是他随员中的任何企业人士有商业往来,包括不能借钱给特朗普集团(Trump Organisation)。该集团在未来四年内至少有五笔贷款和债券到期。

We must be ready to tackle any consequences of a trade war breaking out with China or Germany, or a collapse of NAFTA, with contingency plans for our global supply chains. We have secured facilities in Pennsylvania (a swing state for the president so he would like this),where some Mexican production can be moved. Any spare capacity would go to growing Asian economies. The one-off cost would be $500mhigh but manageable.我们必须为我们的全球供应链制定应急计划(表达),以应对美国与中国或德国爆发贸易战或《北美自由贸易协定》(NAFTA)崩溃的后果。我们已经在宾夕法尼亚州建厂(这个州在大选时是个摇摆州,所以总统会喜欢这一举动),墨西哥的部分生产可以搬去那里。任何剩余的产能都将流向亚洲的发展中经济体。一次性成本将有5亿美元,虽高昂但尚可应付。

Having POTUS-proofed our company, that leaves the last letter of the WTF acronym: the future of our business in America. Corporate taxes may fall, but not by much. The president is targeting a rate of 15% but most of us on the CEO advisory council think 28% is as low as it will go,based on the fiscal outlook and the president’s weakness in Congress.Since our firm, like the aggregate of the S;P 500, pays a cash tax rate of 23%, this won’t make a difference.解决了让公司免受美国总统影响这个问题,就剩下WTF的最后一个字母:我们的业务在美国的未来。公司税可能会下降,但不会降太多(表达)。总统的目标税率是15%,但考虑到财政前景和总统在国会的弱势,我们CEO顾问委员会的大多数人都认为,税率最低也就能降到28%。我们公司和标准普尔500中的所有公司一样,支付23%的现金税,所以没有什么差别。

We expect the taxation of foreign profits to be simplified under the administration, so we can repatriate the $51bn we parked(小词)abroad without paying a large levy (by the way we are not alonethe total for S;P 500 firms is over $1trn). But with a slow economy, politics unpredictable and digital predators such as Amazon breathing down our necks in some product areas, I have zero appetite(小词)to spend it on new American factories. We’ll use it for more buy-backs, new software or foreign expansion.我们期望这届政府能够简化对海外盈利的税收,这样我们便可将囤放在国外的510亿美元汇回国内,而不用支付高额税金顺便说一句,我们不是独此一家,标普500指数公司总共有一万多亿美元放在国外。不过,由于经济增长缓慢,政治局面不可预测,亚马逊这样的数字掠夺者在某些产品领域又紧盯着我们,我对用这笔钱在美国建设新厂毫无兴趣。我们会用这些钱来增加回购、购买新软件或在国外扩张。

West-winging it

I’ll be frank. Plan C envisions three and a half years of America going nowhere. The odds of recession are one in three. If the economy stalls, it will be hard for President Trump to be re-elected. Which brings me to my final point. America has broken a taboo by electing a business figure to the White House. By 2020, perhaps voters will be hungry(小词) for a ;competence candidate;. Someone who really has run a big empire. Someone like me.



Mark Zuckerberg and Howard Schultz from Starbucks are already touring the country, running exploratory campaigns. Jamie Dimon at JPMorgan Chase tells me he won’t run, but I don’t believe him. None of them can match my leadership record. By 2020 one of you deserves a chance to run this great company and I will seek the chance to serve America, the greatest turnaround opportunity on Earth. Keep it to yourselves for nowbut the C in our new plan stands for candidate.马克扎克伯格和星巴克的霍华德舒尔茨(Howard

Schultz)已经在全国各地巡访,进行选举考察。摩根大通的杰米戴蒙(Jamie Dimon)跟我说他不会参加竞选,但我不信。论担任领袖的履历,他们谁也没法跟我比。到2020年,你们中的某个人应该得到机会来经营这个伟大的公司,而我将寻求服务美国的机会,这也是令我们这个世界获得最大转变的机会。先不要声张其实我们C计划中的;C;指的就是候选人(candidate)。



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