TPO阅读告诉你 托福写作表达原因还可以这样用_易伯华托福阅读


来源: 易伯华教育

TPO阅读告诉你 托福写作表达原因还可以这样用_易伯华托福阅读


说理在写作中必不可少,而因果逻辑关系又是说理中不可或缺的。我们一直强调托福各单项的备考不是孤立的,托福阅读中的很多内容可以有效帮助我们提升托福写作,下面小编汇总了 TPO 中常用的表示原因的一些表达,防止大家一个 because 一用到底。大家有几个替换就行,不用搞的太多,多了也记不住。记得时候最好以句子为单位来记,效率高一些。另外托福写作水平的提升重在练习,因此除了识记大家还需要注意合理仿写应用。

result from

In general, it is believed that these twoextinctions resulted from drastic environmental changes that followed meteorite impacts or massive volcanic eruptions. [TPO 15-2-1]


In general, it is believed that X results from A.

result primarily or mainly or largely from

The growth of independent guilds was furthered by the fact that surplus was not a result of domestic craft production but resulted primarily from international trading;


X is not a result of A but results primarily from B.

one of the most likely causes for

Evidence points to hunting by humans and habitat destruction as the likely causes for the current mass extinction. [TPO 15-2-3]


Sb. points to A and B as the likely causes of X.

the explanation may be that

The explanation may be that the terrestrial planets were once much larger and richer in these materials but eventually lost them because of these bodies’ relative closeness to the Sun, which meant that their temperatures were relatively high. [TPO 16-3-6]


the most obvious reason for sb to do sth is that

Few have directly questioned what might lead a teacher to want to become reflective. Apparently, the most obvious reason for teachers to work toward reflective practice is that teacher educators think it is a good thing. [TPO 9-2-6]


Few have directly questioned what might lead sb. to do X. Apparently, the most obvious reason for sb. to do X is that A.

partly due to

This has been so since ancient times, partly due to the geology of the area, which is mostly limestone and sandstone, with few deposits of metallic ore and other useful materials. Ancient demands for obsidian (a black volcanic rock useful for making mirrors and tools) led to trade with Armenia to the north, while jade for cutting tools was brought from Turkistan, and the precious stone lapis lazuli was imported from Afghanistan. [TPO 16-1-1]


Such anomalies are due to the relative abundance of the ;isotopes; or varieties of each element.



Because there is no space in the periodic table between these two elements, Mendeleyev suggested that the atomic mass of indium be changed to acompletely different value, where it would fill an empty space between cadmium and tin.


Also, because the molecular motion of a gas depends on temperature, at the low temperatures of the Jovian planets even the lightest gases are unlikely to acquire the speed needed to escape. [TPO 16-3-5]


Pluto is not included in either category, because its great distance from Earth and its small size make this planet’s true nature a mystery. [TPO 16-3-2]


because of

The Jovian planets, because of their greater masses and thus higher surface gravities, have higher escape velocities (21-60 kilometers per second) than the terrestrial planets. [TPO 16-3-5]


be responsible for

Variations in the composition of the planets are largely responsible for the density differences. [TPO 16-3-4]


account for

Of the various hypotheses attempting to account for the late Cretaceous extinctions, the one that has attracted the most attention in recent years is the asteroid-impact hypothesis first suggested by Luis and Walter Alvarez. [TPO 15-2-5]

TPO阅读告诉你 托福写作表达原因还可以这样用_易伯华托福阅读

各种假说都试图对白垩纪时期后期物种灭绝做出解释,近年来Luis 和Walter Alvarez最先提出的小行星撞击假说备受人们关注。

Of the various reasons attempting to account for X, the one that has attracted the most attention is A.

which explain why

The disadvantage of using waterpower is that streams do not necessarily flow in places that are the mostsuitablefor factories, which explains why so many water-powered grain and textile mills were located in undesirable places. [6-1-1]



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